Like Downton Abbey: Life in an English Country House

Il successo della serie Downton Abbey ha suscitato in tutto il mondo interesse per la vita dell’aristocrazia e della servitù nelle case di campagna britanniche.

Richard Sidaway

Bandera UK
Alex Warner

Speaker (UK accent)

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Country rich houses

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Why are so many British people interested in historical television programmes like Downton Abbey? Maybe because they want to see how the rich and the poor lived years ago. Or is it to look at the beautiful buildings they lived in – country houses? 


Downton Abbey is not a real name, but the house they used for the programme is real — Highclere Castle in the south of England. It was built nine hundred years ago, but was changed into a house in the 19th century by the architect who also built the British Houses of Parliament, which is why they look a little similar


Why build a country house? To show other people how much money you have, of course. The money may have come from having lots of land or a rich family, or from foreign trade. When the house was finished, it was filled with furniture and paintings, and people to cook, clean and look after the family and guests. Employing so many local people was one way the local aristocracy remained popular. 


But as we know from the story of Downton Abbey, the money and the power of the families who lived in these houses did not last forever. Changes in politics, farming and taxes meant it became more and more difficult to manage these properties. 


Today many country houses are open to the public, who pay money to look around. Others were sold and became hospitals, schools, hotels, even prisons. Many more have gone. And of course, some are used as locations for films and TV programmes like Downton Abbey.

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