How to pronounce /b/ and /v/ in English

In inglese, i suoni delle lettere /b/ e /v/ sono molto diversi. Impara a pronunciarle correttamente.

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How to pronounce/b/ and /v/ in English

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Our next pronunciation lesson is about the sounds /b/ and /v/. In English they are two distinct sounds. Pronouncing them clearly can make our speech easier to understand.

How to pronounce /b/ and /v/ in English

Section One: Spotting the problem

First, listen to these examples:

  • This is a very heavy bag.
  • I like beans very much.
  • I love shrimp, but it's a bit expensive.

In these examples I made the /b/ and /v/ sound like the 'soft' /b/. In English, however, the difference between the two is greater. Now listen and choose. Do you hear a) or b) for each word pair in the table?

a) dub

b) dove











The answer is b), a), a), b), a), b).

Section Two: Correcting the problem

Close your lips. Imagine they're glued together. Try to say the word 'big'. Can you? Quite impossible, of course. Now try again, but this time after a second or two suddenly let the air pressure pop your lips apart. The word big should sound something like this: 'bbbbig'. For now, remember this specific /b/ sound you've just pronounced.

Now let's do a minor variation. Instead of closing your lips, I want you to put your upper teeth on your lower lip. Now, without changing anything, try and say the word big again. What do you get?  You get / vɪg / It's not a real English word pronounced this way, but it's perfect for us to form the /v/ consonant.

Note: both /b/ and /v/ are sounds that can slightly be (be slightly -ed) modified inside different words. For example, in the word 'evening', the /v/ sounds almost like /f/. Similarly, in 'bring' or 'club' the /b/ is less ‘explosive’ than in words such as 'big', 'butter' or 'bird'.

Section Three: Practice

Use the following words to practise. First say them with the /b/ we've just learnt, with your lips closed. This is their correct pronunciation. When you're done, say the same words with your upper teeth on your lower lip. You won't be able to say them correctly, but that's all right for now. If you do it this way, the words will begin with /v/, the other target sound we need to practise today.

baby, big, back, bamboo, bee, blue, box, bubble

Now practise with the following words. This time say each one the way it should be pronounced, either with /b/ or /v/, but not both. Listen and repeat:

dove, bet, value, British, favourite, level, club, 
event, mobile, love, live, blues, over, bicycle 

Section Four: Memorize

I suggest that you learn expressions from everyday contexts with the correct pronunciation. Some ideas to get you started:

  • Thank you very much.
  • It's very, very big.
  • I love it.
  • It's over there.
  • Good evening.
  • Give me a break

A good monolingual dictionary as well authentic English texts can provide with more examples. Keep practising!

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