Learning English Changes Your Brain: A Reading Exercise

Quando impari una lingua straniera, alcune parti del tuo cervello si sviluppano di più. Scopri come l'apprendimento dell'inglese cambia il tuo cervello e pratica le tue abilità di lettura con gli esercizi che troverai alla fine.

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This is How Learning Changes Your Brain: Practise English Reading

About 20% of the calories we burn in one day come from thinking. It doesn’t necessarily mean that thinking harder, means you burn more calories, so I am not suggesting that learning English is going to help you lose weight, but it is true that our brains go through some fascinating changes when we are learning a language.

The science says that if you're trying to master English as a second language, or learning any other foreign language, you’re giving your brain a workout that goes far beyond memorizing words and grammar rules.

Learning a Language and the Brain

Learning Language as a Child vs. as an Adult

Did you know that learning a language as a young child is different from learning one as an adult? Children under the age of seven are like sponges when it comes to picking up languages.

They can hear and reproduce sounds (phonemes) with amazing accuracy. This is why most native speakers—those who learn a language from birth—sound so natural.

After the age of seven, things start to change. Adults and older children can still learn languages very well, but it’s generally harder to achieve a native-like pronunciation. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible!

Many adult learners do manage to speak like native speakers. The good news is that fluency and proficiency are possible, regardless of when you start learning. The key is consistency and exposure.

The good news is that fluency and proficiency are possible, regardless of when you start learning. The key is consistency and exposure.

How Learning Changes Your Brain

Learning a language is not just about communication; it’s also about transforming your brain. Studies show that learning a foreign language can lead to physical changes in your brain. For example:

  • Structural Growth: Parts of your brain become thicker and more developed. These include the hippocampus (the seahorse-like structure buried deep in the middle of the brain that is key for forming new memories) and areas in the cortex that are responsible for language.

    These changes are especially noticeable in people who reach a high level of proficiency. So basically, the better your language ability, the bigger the bits of the brain associated with language learning become.
  • New Sound Recognition: When you learn a new language, your brain creates new memory representations for the sounds (phonemes) of that language.

    This is why the more you listen and practice, the easier it becomes to understand and pronounce unfamiliar sounds.

Why Daily Practice Matters

Language learning doesn’t just change your brain temporarily; it makes lasting changes to its structure and function. But for these changes to stick, you need to make the language part of your everyday life. Think of it like exercising a muscle—regular use keeps it strong.

When you immerse yourself in a language, whether by listening to podcasts, talking to friends, or reading, your brain forms stronger connections.

This happens because your brain needs repeated exposure to recognize patterns, build memory, and improve comprehension. So, if you’re learning English, make it a habit to hear, see, and use the language as much as possible.

When you immerse yourself in a language, your brain forms stronger connections.

Benefits for All Ages

Years ago, it was thought that the older you got, the less likely you were to be able to learn a foreign language. Thankfully, later research has shown that language learning ability does not necessarily decline with age. It’s more about your cognitive ability and your openness to learning.

This is good news for all of us older language learners! Language learning isn’t just for young people. Older brains might not change structurally as much in the short term, but numerous studies show that people with stronger memory and better cognitive skills tend to pick up vocabulary more easily.

Plus, language learning can improve skills like problem-solving and multitasking, regardless of your age.

The Social Side of Language Learning

Language is all about connection. Research shows that learning a language in social settings—such as through conversations or group activities—leads to better brain changes and faster learning.

Talking to others in your target language helps you practice listening, speaking, and thinking in the language, all at the same time. And remember, this does not mean that you have to be speaking to native speakers! You can get together with anyone and just start using the language. The more you use it, the better for those brain connections.

Build Language into your everyday life

Learning a new language is one of the best things you can do for your brain. It changes how your brain works, strengthens its structure, and even improves your ability to focus and remember things. So, whether you’re practising English, French, Mandarin, or any other language, remember that every word you learn is making your brain stronger and more adaptable.

And here’s the secret: make the language part of your daily life. Listen to music, watch films, read books, and speak as much as you can. The more you surround yourself with the language, the more your brain will adapt, and the faster you’ll learn. So, keep practising and enjoy the journey—your brain will thank you for it!

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. What percentage of the calories we burn daily is not attributed to thinking?
    A. 10%
    B. 15%
    C. 20%
    D. 80%
  2. Why are children under the age of seven particularly adept at learning languages?
    A. They memorize words faster than adults.
    B. Their brains are not yet developed.
    C. They can hear and reproduce phonemes with high accuracy.
    D. They practise more frequently than adults.
  3. What happens to the brain when someone achieves a high level of proficiency in a foreign language?
    A. The brain stops growing structurally.
    B. The hippocampus and language-related cortex areas develop more.
    C. The brain's ability to process native languages decreases.
    D. There are no noticeable changes in the brain.
  4. How does daily practice influence brain changes from language learning?
    A. It prevents structural changes in the brain.
    B. It allows temporary changes to disappear quickly.
    C. It strengthens neural connections and solidifies changes.
    D. It improves memory without changing brain function.
  5. What did researchers previously believe about older adults learning new languages?
    A. It was impossible for them to learn new languages.
    B. Their ability to learn was dependent on their openness to new experiences.
    C. Their ability to learn declined significantly with age.
    D. Their brains showed no changes during language learning.
  6. How does social interaction impact language learning?
    A. It only benefits younger learners.
    B. It leads to slower learning but better retention.
    C. It accelerates brain changes and enhances learning.
    D. It is unnecessary if you study alone.
  7. What is the primary advice given for learning a new language effectively?
    A. Study grammar rules daily.
    B. Use the language as much as possible in everyday life.
    C. Focus exclusively on memorizing vocabulary.
    D. Avoid practising with non-native speakers.
  8. Which of the following is a benefit of learning a language for older adults?
    A. Their brains stop aging.
    B. They can only achieve limited proficiency.
    C. It enhances skills like problem-solving and multitasking.
    D. It makes them more sociable than younger learners.

Answer Key:

1. D; 2. C; 3. B; 4. C; 5. C; 6. C; 7. B; 8. C

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