10 Common Adjectives and Prepositions Frequently Used in English: Part I (With Exercises)

In inglese, alcuni aggettivi devono sempre essere abbinati a determinate preposizioni. In questo articolo ti spiego 10 coppie di aggettivi con preposizioni che usiamo molto spesso.

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10 Common Adjectives and Prepositions Frequently Used in English

Learning adjectives with their correct prepositions can be tricky for English learners, but with a little practice, these phrases become second nature! In English, certain adjectives always pair with specific prepositions. Sometimes the connection makes sense; other times, it feels more random. Either way, it’s all about learning the pairs and practising them in context. The more you practise, the more they will stick!

Let’s start with 10 common adjective-preposition combinations you’re likely to meet in everyday language.

10 Common Adjectives and Prepositions Frequently Used in English

1. Afraid of

We love talking about things we are afraid of or scared of. You might feel afraid of spiders or afraid of heights. You may be scared of cockroaches (eek!) …..or snakes or bats or mice……whatever you are afraid of, don’t forget this preposition! The word scared is a handy synonym and the good thing is that it goes with the same preposition.


  • "I’m afraid of thunderstorms" (Ho paura dei temporali.)
  • "He’s afraid of telling his father that he’s failed" (Ha paura di dire a suo padre che ha fallito.)

2. Interested in

When something catches your attention or curiosity, you’re interested in it. Notice that you can say ‘I’m interested’, but as soon as you name the object of interest, whether this be a person, a book, a film or an activity, you must add the preposition in.


  • "She’s really interested in art and design" (È davvero interessata all'arte e al design.)
  • "I am interested in learning about new culture" (Sono interessato a imparare sulle nuove culture.)

3. Good at / Bad at

If you excel at something, you’re good at it; if you struggle, you’re bad at it. An important thing to remember with this adjective is that it is often followed by a verb, this means that the verb needs to be in the -ing form.


  • "He’s good at basketball but bad at singing" (È bravo a basket ma scarso nel canto.)
  • "I am bad at finding my way to places without Google maps" (Sono scarso a orientarmi senza Google Maps.)

4. Famous for

When people know someone because of something they did or achieved, they’re famous for it. Cities and buildings can also be described using this adjective. However, it can also be used in an ironic way to highlight someone’s negative behaviour.


  • "The city is famous for its beautiful architecture" (La città è famosa per la sua bellissima architettura.)
  • "He is famous for arriving late to meetings" (È famoso per arrivare tardi alle riunioni.)

5. Responsible for

We use responsible for when someone is in charge or accountable for something. It is mostly used in professional descriptions.


  • "She’s responsible for organizing the event" (È responsabile dell'organizzazione dell'evento.)
  • "I am responsible for dealing with customer complaints" (Sono responsabile della gestione dei reclami dei clienti.)

6. Proud of

When you feel a sense of pride or accomplishment about something, you’re proud of it.


  • "He’s very proud of his daughter’s achievements" (È molto orgoglioso dei successi di sua figlia.)
  • "I am so proud of you!" (Sono così fiero di te!)

7. Worried about

This phrase describes anxiety or concern regarding something or someone.


  • "I’m worried about the exam next week" (Sono preoccupato per l'esame la prossima settimana.)
  • "Can you call me? I’m worried about you" (Puoi chiamarmi? Sono preoccupato per te.)

8. Similar to

When things share characteristics or look alike, they’re similar to each other. Similar to can be replaced with the word like in most cases.


  • "Her voice is similar to her sister’s" (La sua voce è simile a quella di sua sorella.)
  • "Your apartment is similar to mine" (Il tuo appartamento è simile al mio.)

9. Different from

Different from is the opposite of similar to, this combination highlights differences. This adjective is also sometimes combined with preposition ‘to’.


  • "This brand is different from the one I usually buy" (Questa marca è diversa da quella che compro di solito.)
  • "This pen is different from the one I usually use" (Questa penna è diversa da quella che uso di solito.)



10. Accustomed to

If you’re accustomed to something, it’s familiar to you. It is the more formal version of the adjective used to. They can be used interchangeably.


  • "He’s accustomed to waking up early" (È abituato a svegliarsi presto.) / He’s used to waking up early. (È abituato a svegliarsi presto.)
  • "I’m not accustomed to getting up early" (Non sono abituato a svegliarmi presto.) / I’m not used to getting up early. (Non sono abituato a svegliarmi presto.)


Choose the correct adjective and add the correct preposition for each sentence.

1. I’m really ___ heights. (afraid / responsible)

2. He’s ___ managing the team. (different / responsible)

3. They were ___ winning the award. (accustomed / proud)

4. The 1960s were ___ a new era of music. (famous / interested)

5. I’m ___ the test next week. (worried/ similar)

6. She’s ___ learning new languages. (interested / different)

7. They are not alike. Elisa is really ____ Emma. (different / similar)

8. He’s ___ cooking, the cakes he bakes are absolutely delicious! (good / bad)

9. The author is ___ writing mystery novels. (famous/ accustomed)

10. They are ___ the heat now, but it was really difficult at first. (accustomed / worried)


1. afraid of
2. responsible for
3. proud of
4. famous for
5. worried about
6. interested in
7. different from
8. good at
9. famous for
10. accustomed to

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