The Appeal of the Feline: Crazy Cat People

La passione per i gatti è un fenomeno che va ben oltre la rete e che ormai ha contagiato milioni di persone in tutto il mondo. A Pasadena ogni anno si svolge la CatCon, una convention interamente dedicata a questi piccoli felini domestici.

Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

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It’s a cat’s world! At least, that’s the impression given at CatCon, the world’s biggest cat-centric pop culture convention. Held at the end of this month at Pasadena Convention Center, more than 15,000 cat lovers and their feline friends are expected for the fifth annual celebration of the event.

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Visitors can enjoy meet-and-greets with internet celebrity guests, both human and feline, attend seminars or workshops, or watch performances that include a feline-inspired fashion show. They can buy cat-centric products from more than 170 vendors, selling both cat-inspired clothes, bags, accessories and art for humans, and toys and treats for cats.


CatCon isn’t just a celebration of cats, however, it is also dedicated to saving and improving their lives. Proceeds from all tickets sold go to various cat charities, and the convention also includes an Adoption Village run by the Pasadena Humane Society. Here, over two hundred cats and kittens wait in hope of finding new homes.

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Organisers say that CatCon is a “convention with cattitude,” devoted to “spreading joy and goodness to cats and the people who love them” through information, education and entertainment. It is also aimed at “debunking the cat lady myth” and prove it possible to keep a cat, yet be hip and stylish too.

"Dubliners" by James Joyce


"Dubliners" by James Joyce

Più 100 anni fa James Joyce, un giovane e brillante scrittore irlandese, compose quindici storie sulla gente di Dublino, in cui analizzò in che modo il desiderio di una vita diversa può essere soffocato dalle circostanze, dalle convenzioni e dalla routine.

Alex Phillips

Sweet and Healthy Dreams: the Science of Sleep

Current Affairs

Sweet and Healthy Dreams: the Science of Sleep

Il sonno, secondo la saggezza popolare, è riparatore. Tuttavia, nonostante la sua importanza per il nostro benessere, ancora ignoriamo molte cose su disturbi come l’insonnia o la narcolessia. Un paio di libri fanno luce sulla scienza del sonno.

Alex Phillips

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Sweet and Healthy Dreams: the Science of Sleep

Current Affairs

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Il sonno, secondo la saggezza popolare, è riparatore. Tuttavia, nonostante la sua importanza per il nostro benessere, ancora ignoriamo molte cose su disturbi come l’insonnia o la narcolessia. Un paio di libri fanno luce sulla scienza del sonno.

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