East Anglia Waterways: The Norfolk Broads

Questo labirinto di fiumi, laghi e canali navigabili vicino alla costa dell’East Anglia è uno dei parchi nazionali più singolari della Gran Bretagna. Il suo bellissimo paesaggio, pieno di chiese e mulini a vento, possiede un’enorme varietà di fauna e di flora.

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453 ITA Dec 23 The Norfolk Broads IStock

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The Broads National Park is on England’s East Coast, close to the North Sea. Extending like a watery web around the city of Norwich, it is Britain’s largest nationally-protected wetland. Also known as the Norfolk Broads (even though it crosses into the neighbouring county of Suffolk), the area comprises more than sixty lakes, known locally as ‘broads’, linked by seven main rivers and their tributaries. This is a magical land of meadow, marsh, reedbeds, fenland, woodland, and, of course, broads... 

peat digging

Until 1960, most experts assumed that the Broads were a natural geographical feature. However, research confirmed that they were actually the result of peat digging for fuel during the medieval period. When rising sea levels filled the peat pits in the 14th century, they created a series of shallow lakes. Most of the broads are less than four metres deep. 


The towers of ancient churches rise above the water, while iconic windmills with giant sails punctuate the Broads’ landscape. They were once used to corn grind and flour, or as wind pumps to drain water from the meadows where farm animals grazed. As technology changed and drainage systems became modernised, many mills and pumps fell into disrepair. Some were later restored. 


During the 19th century, visitors flocked to the area for recreational boating. The first leisure boats were made available for hire in 1878. The tradition continues to this day, with eight million visitors coming to the Broads for this reason every year.  

There are no locks to navigate in the Broads, making it easy to cruise, sail or paddle from one waterway to the next. Out on the water, the only sounds are the whispering of the reeds, the distant call of birds and the gentle slapping of waves against the hull of the boat. On land, a network of footpaths criss-cross the 303-square-kilometres of the vast flat parkland. It is a mesmerising and mysterious place that feels both protected and exposed beneath immense skies.


The Broads waterways were once part of a busy trade route, with wherries — wooden barges with large canvas sails — carrying goods to and from the coastal ports. The last trading wherry was built in 1912, but some of these distinctive crafts can still be seen on the Broads today. The Broads are tidal, and the largest areas of water are Hickling Broad and Barton Broad to the north and Breydon Water to the east, near the holiday resort of Great Yarmouth. There is a strict speed limit on all waterways to prevent boats creating waves and damaging the river banks. Whatever the purpose, travelling on the tranquil Broads today first requires slowing down.  


453 ITA Dec 22 Cover

Questo articolo appartiene al numero Dicembre 2022 della rivista Speak Up.

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