The Vegan Lifestyle: 100% Animal Friendly

Con radici negli anni '40, il veganismo sta diventando uno stile di vita in forte espansione, che ha acquisito uno slancio significativo nell'ultimo decennio.

Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

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Veganism is the practice of eating only food that is not derived from animals, so vegans don’t eat meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, or honey. And many vegans also don’t buy or use any animal products, such as shoes made from leather and clothes made from wool. Veganism evolved out of vegatarianism: the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat and fish but not other animal products. Veganism has been around since the 1940s but has become increasingly popular in the last ten years. 


The Vegan Society was founded in Britain in 1944, making it the world’s oldest vegan organisation. According to the society, the number of vegans in Britain quadrupled between 2014 and 2019, from 150,000 to 600,000, and that number is continuing to grow. Other countries, including the US, report similar trends, as more people embrace veganism for ethical, health, and environmental reasons. 


The number of vegan companies and products on the market has expanded dramatically. Last April, the 50,000th vegan product was registered, the highest number since the trademark was created in 1990. According to a 2020 study, the plant-based meat market will be worth a whopping $8.3 billion by the year 2025.


The internet has propelled the riseof the vegan movement, with more people becoming socially and environmentally aware thanks to easy access to information. You can simply go to YouTube or Google and see what’s happening in the meat, dairy or egg industry. Sharing experiences on social media can inspire people to try out a vegan lifestyle. Several musicians and celebrities have gone plant-based and advocated for it, including Joaquin Phoenix, Miley Cyrus and Beyoncé.    

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