The Right Choice: The Institute of Art and Ideas

Come funziona il nostro cervello quando dobbiamo prendere una decisione? Si può parlare di scelte corrette e sbagliate, o si possono giudicare solo col senno di poi? È meglio agire in modo impulsivo e preoccuparsi in seguito o agonizzare soppesando tutte le possibilità?

Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

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From who to go out with to what to have for lunch, which political party to vote for, to when to speak up! Each one of us makes countless decisions every day. Even not making a decision is, in fact, a choice. Yet despite the practice we get, we often doubt ourselves and feel regret, remorse or resentment when things do not work out as planned. And while we are often told that freedom of choice is a good thing, many of us feel overwhelmed by too many options.  


How to make a good choice has been debated through history. It is often defined as a battle between the thinking mind and the emotions. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato advocated reason over feeling, yet did not explain why a rational decision would necessarily be the right one. Enlightenment philosophers also supported thought, although one of the best-known among them, the Scotsman David Hume, believed that reason is the “slave of the passions.”


Early twentieth century English thinker Bertrand Russell placed emphasis on context: caution is good in all things, he believed, but it is fatal in love! Recent research focuses on an essential relationship between thought and the emotions. Portuguese-American neuroscientist Antonio Damasio found that people who suffered damage to a specific part of their brain, causing emotions to be inhibited, found it difficult to make any decision at all.   

"Dubliners" by James Joyce


"Dubliners" by James Joyce

Più 100 anni fa James Joyce, un giovane e brillante scrittore irlandese, compose quindici storie sulla gente di Dublino, in cui analizzò in che modo il desiderio di una vita diversa può essere soffocato dalle circostanze, dalle convenzioni e dalla routine.

Alex Phillips

Sweet and Healthy Dreams: the Science of Sleep

Current Affairs

Sweet and Healthy Dreams: the Science of Sleep

Il sonno, secondo la saggezza popolare, è riparatore. Tuttavia, nonostante la sua importanza per il nostro benessere, ancora ignoriamo molte cose su disturbi come l’insonnia o la narcolessia. Un paio di libri fanno luce sulla scienza del sonno.

Alex Phillips

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Sweet and Healthy Dreams: the Science of Sleep

Current Affairs

Sweet and Healthy Dreams: the Science of Sleep

Il sonno, secondo la saggezza popolare, è riparatore. Tuttavia, nonostante la sua importanza per il nostro benessere, ancora ignoriamo molte cose su disturbi come l’insonnia o la narcolessia. Un paio di libri fanno luce sulla scienza del sonno.

Alex Phillips