US History: Texas Independence Day

Nel marzo del 1836, l’allora regione messicana del Texas dichiarò l’indipendenza per poi unirsi agli Stati Uniti un decennio dopo. Il Giorno dell’Indipendenza del Texas viene festeggiato ancora oggi con grande orgoglio.

Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

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Texans commemorate a special event in their history on 2 March. It is the date on which they became an independent republic, before joining the United States. For a short period of time, Texas was a country in its own right. Previously, it had been part of Mexico, which was a relatively new nation. Mexico separated from Spain in 1821 and included the large state of Tejas.

civil war

It was a sparsely-populated region, far from the capital, Mexico City. The Mexican government encouraged people to move there to develop the area. Stephen F. Austin brought around ten thousand Anglo-American settlers to Texas, more than tripling the population. Many of the colonists were armed men who did not like paying taxes, did not speak Spanish and did not observe Mexican customs. 

When newly-elected president Antonio López de Santa Anna centralised the government, it caused tension with the Texans. Civil war broke out in 1835 and many battles were fought, the most famous of which was at the Alamo Mission. The revolutionaries won the final battle at San Jacinto and Texas officially became a republic on 2 March 1936. It did not remain independent for long, however, as it was annexed to the US nine years later as the 28th state.


Texas Independence Day is now an official state holiday, with public and private celebrations and the Texas Lone Star flag is seen everywhere. However, there is a long-running debate over whether this day is cause for celebration at all. When Texas declared independence, it reinstituted slavery. Annexation to the US also triggered the US-Mexican war which, besides loss of life, led to the loss of much of Mexico’s northern territories. Institutions like the Texas State Historical Society are trying to create awareness of all the issues, encouraging a broader interpretation of this important period of the state’s history.

456 Cover March 23

Questo articolo appartiene al numero March 2023 della rivista Speak Up.

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