Language for Talking About Films and Series (With Exercises)

Grazie allo streaming, il pubblico mondiale condivide un'ossessione: le serie TV. In questo articolo esploriamo parole ed espressioni popolari usate quando si parla di film e serie.

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Vocabolario in inglese per parlare di serie e film

The way we watch films and series has transformed dramatically in recent years. Long gone are the days of waiting a whole week for the next episode of our favorite shows. We’re no longer at the mercy of TV channels and rigid schedules. Now, we’re in control, choosing what to watch and when. This shift means we’re sharing recommendations with friends and family and consuming more entertainment than ever before. Films and series have become a go-to conversation starter. This article explores popular words, expressions, and phrases used when discussing films and series.

Language for Talking About Films and Series


This is the main storyline of a film or series. It includes the events and conflicts that drive the story forward.   

Example: “The plot is based on a true story of a man who walks the length of England to visit a dying friend in hospital” 


I absolutely love a film with a twist. It is when something unexpected happens, usually near the end of the film, that makes you see the film from a completely different perspective. The origin of the term is rooted in the idea of 'twisting' the plot, leading the audience to anticipate one outcome while ultimately revealing a different one. 

Example: “The film is excellent, and there is an unexpected twist which is unbelievable.”  


A spoiler is information that reveals a key part of the plot before you watch it, often ruining the suspense or surprise.  For example, if you are watching a film with a twist, you don’t want a spoiler! 

Example: “No spoilers, please—I haven’t watched the latest episode yet!”


I hate films that have a cliffhanger ending. They literally leave you hanging off the end of a cliff meaning that they leave you not knowing what is going to happen next. Sometimes this is done in episodes of series to make sure you watch the next episode to see what happens. 

Example: “Season one ended with a big cliffhanger, so we are not going to know if he turns into a vampire until season two comes out!” 


The term binge-watching is adapted from the term binge-eating which is a symptomatic behaviour of the eating disorder bulimia, when a sufferer eats excessive amounts of food.

Similarly, binge-watching is when we watch multiple episodes or even an entire series in one sitting. It’s a popular way to watch shows today, especially with series that have a cliffhanger ending that leaves you wanting more.   

Example: “It rained all weekend, so I stayed in and binge-watched the whole of the first season of Lost. That’s over 17 hours!” 

Pilot Episode

The pilot is the first episode of a series and is often used to gauge interest or to pitch the show to networks. Some of the highest ranked pilot episodes include: Lost, Sherlock and The House of Cards, The Sopranos and Breaking Bad. 

Example: “The pilot episode was so good that I decided to watch the entire series.”


A brief appearance by a famous actor or celebrity, often as a fun surprise for the audience.  The director Alfred Hitchcock was most famous for appearing in his films in a cameo role.

For example, in his film The Birds (1963) Hitchcock can be seen as a man who is holding two dogs outside the pet shop when the main character, Melanie Daniels, walks by.  And in Psycho (1960) Hitchcock makes a cameo as a man in a suit who is seen standing outside Marion Crane's office at the beginning of the film. 

Example: “Did you catch that cameo in the latest episode?” 

Easter Egg

This does not just refer to a chocolate egg eaten to celebrate Easter. It was a term coined by the Director of Software Development for Atari way back in 1979. An Easter egg is a hidden detail or reference in a scene of a film or a game that fans can spot if they look closely.

For example, in an animated film, it might be the appearance of a character from one of the other film house’s productions. One famous example is in The Raiders of the Lost Arc, one of the hieroglyphic figures in one of the scenes, has a symbol relating to R2-D2 and C3PO from Star Wars.

George Lucas, who directed both films, put this reference to these characters from the film tucked away. The discovery of Easter eggs is ripe for discussion among fans of video games and films. 

Example: “There are so many Easter eggs in that movie if you pay attention.” 

Knowing these expressions will help you understand and participate in conversations about series and films. Below is an exercise to help you practise the use of these terms.


Complete the sentences with the correct word from the box below

1. "I spent the entire weekend ____________ my favorite series—I watched every single episode!"

2. "The ____________ kept me hooked; I had to keep watching to see what would happen next season."

3. "No ____________ please! I haven’t watched the latest episode yet, and I don’t want anything ruined."

4. "The ____________ episode was so intriguing that I knew I'd watch the whole series."

5. "There was an unexpected ____________ in the movie, making everything feel completely different."

6. "I loved spotting each ____________ hidden in the movie; it was like a treasure hunt for fans!"

7. "The main character’s journey through the city forms the ____________ of the film."

8. "The director’s ____________ in the film was a surprise—he showed up as a coffee shop barista."


pilot episode
easter egg

1. binge-watching 
2. cliffhanger
3. spoiler
4. pilot Episode
5. twist
6. easter Egg
7. plot
8. cameo 

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