Starting a New Job: Everyday Dialogues

Nuovo lavoro, nuova sfida! Tutto quello che ti serve sapere per partire alla grande in questa nuova avventura.

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478 Everyday Dialogues

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Marc: Hi, I’m here for the onboarding.

Laura: Welcome to the group! Did you manage to read the employee handbook?

Marc: Yes, and I got the welcome package, too. Thank you so much!

Laura: Haha, everyone loves the company merchandise! Have you familiarised yourself with the company policies?

Marc: Yes, I have. There was a lot to go through!

Laura: I know, but it’s important you know them all. Here is a copy of your job description.

Marc: Thanks. I got it via email, too.

Laura: And here is your login for the intranet. You can change the password to something more personal.

Marc: I’ll do that as soon as I’ve settled into my workstation.

Laura: Excellent. Your co-worker will explain how everything works and your line manager will take you through the training programme.  Any questions?

Marc: Oh, plenty! But first I’d like to meet my colleagues.

Laura: Of course! We have arranged a lovely team lunch, so you can get to know each other. Let’s go!


Onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee into an organisation.

An employee handbook is a manual that details the company’s policies, procedures and values.

A welcome package contains materials and information for new employees, to help them feel welcome and comfortable, as they settle into their new role.

Merchandise refers to branded promotional goods, like T-shirts, mugs and pens.

A company policy establishes a set of rules and expectations. Typical policies include code of conduct, health & safety, compensation, equal opportunities, and attendance.

A login is a password or code used when logging in

An intranet is a private network used within a company to share information and computing resources like software and communication tools.

To settle into means to start to feel comfortable in a new situation.

A line manager is a person who directly manages a team or department and its day-to-day operations.

Plenty means more than enough.

A team lunch is a midday meal with colleagues, where everyone can relax and strengthen relationships.

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