Everyday Dialogues: New Year's Resolutions

Una veloce guida alla conversazione con frasi e vocaboli di uso quotidiano. Questo mese: propositi per un nuovo anno!

Bandera UK
Daniel Francis

Speaker (UK accent)

Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

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454 ITA Everyday DIalogues January 23 Shutter

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Thomas: Happy New Year!

Emily: Happy New Year to you, too! Shall we go for a drink or a bite to eat?

Thomas: Let’s go for a coffee and a sandwich. I’m giving up alcohol for a while.

Emily: Oh, new year’s resolution, is it?

Thomas: Yes, exactly. I’m laying off the booze and taking up running. Got to get in shape.

Emily: Well done, you! I’m giving up smoking myself.

Thomas: Hey, that’s great! I was wondering why you hadn’t nipped outside yet.

Emily: Yes, well, it’s not easy. I’m having quite a hard time of it, actually.

Thomas: I’m sure. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve done myself, but I feel all the better for it — especially when I run.

Emily: Yes, maybe I should join you!

Thomas: That’d be great! It’s really boring by myself. I go before breakfast around 6am.

Emily: Ugh, perhaps not then. I hate early mornings


A bite to eat is an idiom referring to a snack or a small meal.

The phrasal verb to give up in this context means to stop doing something, usually a bad habit like smoking or drinking. Other verbs used include ‘to quit’ or ‘to stop’.

Making new year’s resolutions is a tradition of setting personal goals for the year ahead.

Lay off the booze is a colloquial phrase for giving up alcohol. You can also say ‘lay off the bottle’.

To take something up means to start a new habit, like running or painting.

To get in shape means to get fit, usually through exercise or a healthy diet.

To nip is an informal way of saying ‘to go quickly’.

When you have difficulty doing something, you have a hard time of it.

When you feel (all) the better for something, you experience an improvement as a result of it, in this case, quitting smoking.

By myself means ‘alone’.

454 ITA Cover January 23

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