What is Yom Kippur

Questo mese la comunità ebraica celebra la Festa dell’espiazione, la ricorrenza più solenne dell’anno, che consiste in una giornata intera dedicata alla penitenza, alla preghiera e al digiuno con l’obiettivo di espiare i peccati e riconciliarsi con Dio.

Molly Malcolm

Speaker (American accent)

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Yom Kippur

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Yom Kippur means the ‘Day of Atonement’ in Hebrew, and it is the most sacred day of the Jewish calendar. The festival, which is spent fasting, always comes eight days after Jewish New Year, which usually falls in September or October. According to Jewish tradition, on New Year’s Day, God writes each individual’s destiny for the coming year in the Book of Life. But it is on Yom Kippur that, according to the Jewish faith, God finalises or seals that destiny. 

A fresh start

The period between New Year and Yom Kippur is known as the High Holy Days. They offer a last chance to put things right with God and with other people before each individual’s destiny is sealed in the Book of Life. This means spending time in prayer, repentance and doing good works. 

Feast and Fast

On the day before Yom Kippur, people eat more than usual in preparation for the total fast of the following day. The last meals before the fast are usually low in salt to avoid dehydration, as even drinking water is prohibited during the fast. All observant Jews are expected to fast for around twenty-five hours, starting at sunset on the eve of Yom Kippur. However, children and anyone whose health would be damaged by the fast are not allowed to take part. Although traditions vary, many observant Jews choose not to wash, have sex or wear leather shoes on Yom Kippur.

During the day

Yom Kippur starts around sunset with the Kol Nidre, a declaration recited in the synagogue that cancels promises made to God in the previous year. Many Jews wear white as a symbol of purity and spend the whole of the next day at the synagogue. As on the Sabbath (Saturday), working is totally prohibited. In fact, the day is sometimes called the Sabbath of Sabbaths. Many people remember the dead by burning a candle that lasts throughout the day. After the final synagogue service at the end of Yom Kippur, there is a joyful meal to break the fast.

Yom Kippur greetings

So, what could you say to someone observing the Day of Atonement? “Happy Yom Kippur” isn’t quite right for this solemn day! But there are some appropriate greetings, such as “Have an easy fast” (in other words, “I hope you don’t get too hungry!”) or “May you be sealed in the Book of Life.”  

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