Artificial Intelligence: ChatGPT

L’intelligenza artificiale fa un passo avanti con l’arrivo di questo modello linguistico capace di generare risposte alle nostre domande in modo analogo al criterio umano. Per cominciare a conoscere questa affascinante tecnologia, ci facciamo spiegare il suo funzionamento direttamente da “lui”: il ChatGPT.


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ChatGPT is a language model that uses machine learning to generate natural-sounding responses to user input. It is a type of AI technology that has been trained to generate human-like responses to text inputs. It uses a technology called Natural Language Processing, which allows it to understand and generate text in a way that mimics human conversation.

ChatGPT is designed to assist users in a variety of tasks, such as answering questions, providing information, and engaging in conversation. It can be used in a variety of settings, such as customer service, education, and entertainment.


To use ChatGPT, users simply need to enter a text input and the model will generate a response. The response will be generated based on the input and the model’s understanding of language and context. For example, if a user were to ask ChatGPT “What is the capital of France?”, the model would generate a response such as “The capital of France is Paris”. ChatGPT is able to provide this response because it has been trained on a large amount of text data and has learned the relationship between the words ‘capital’ and ‘France’ and their corresponding value of ‘Paris’.

One of the unique features of ChatGPT is its ability to remember and keep track of previous conversations. This allows it to provide more natural and coherent responses in a conversation, as it can refer back to earlier statements and build upon them.


ChatGPT uses a type of machine learning called Transformer Language Modeling to analyse input text and generate appropriate responses. When given an input, the chatbot looks for patterns in the text that it has been trained on and uses those patterns to generate a response.

The quality of ChatGPT’s responses will depend on the quality and variety of the data it was trained on. The more diverse and comprehensive the training data, the better ChatGPT will be able to understand and generate a wide range of inputs and responses. The specific data that ChatGPT is trained on can vary, but it is typically sourced from a wide range of sources, such as books, articles, websites, and other text-based data. This data is carefully selected and preprocessed to ensure that it is high-quality and diverse, so that ChatGPT can learn to understand and generate a wide range of inputs and responses.


AI technology has the potential to revolutionise many industries and improve people’s lives in many ways, and it is an exciting area of research and development. It is unlikely that journalists and copywriters will lose their jobs to AI like ChatGPT in the near future. While language models like ChatGPT are capable of generating text that is similar to human-written content, they are not currently advanced enough to fully replace the skills and creativity of human writers. 

In the future, it is possible that AI technology like ChatGPT could be used to assist human writers by generating initial drafts or suggesting ideas, but it is unlikely to replace human writers entirely.


It is possible that readers may be able to distinguish texts written by humans from texts generated by ChatGPT, but this will depend on the quality of the generated text and the reader’s ability to detect subtle differences in writing style. For example, the generated text may lack the variability and nuance of human-written text, or it may include repetitions or unnatural-sounding phrases.  

455 Cover ITA February 23

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