Railway 200: All Aboard!

Duecento anni fa, la prima locomotiva a vapore attraversò la contea di Durham, nel nord-est dell’Inghilterra, carica di undici vagoni di carbone e venti carrozze passeggeri. Un evento che segnò la nascita della ferrovia e cambiò il mondo per sempre.

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On 27 September 1825, a steam-powered locomotive set off on a twenty-six mile  [41,8km] journey through County Durham, a major coal-producing region in the north-east of England. The inauguration of the Stockton and Darlington Railway (S&DR) was a history-making event: for the first time, a steam-powered public railway could carry products (coal) and passengers, connecting collieries around Shildon with the market towns of Stockton and Darlington. Steam marked the advent of the modern railway network which spread rapidly across the country, transforming Britain’s landscape, economy and society.

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To celebrate the bicentennial of this important event, a year-long programme called Railway 200 is taking place across the UK. Railway 200 began on 1 January 2025 with an experience known as a ‘whistle off’, when historic locomotives across the country all sounded their whistles at the same time. It continues with a broad programme of activities that reflect on the railway’s past, present and future. The innovation of steam connected Britain internally and, with steam-powered ships, to the rest of the world. Railway innovation in Britain, and railroads in the US, led to the rapid rise of the factory system and mass production, and the expansion of global commerce and trade


One of the highlights of Railway 200 is a touring exhibition train called Inspiration. Inspiration crisscrosses the British mainland, stopping at main line and heritage stations as well as rail freighdepots. It has four carriages, each with its own interactive exhibition, created not only to celebrate this year’s anniversary but to inspire young people to consider a career with the national railways.


As part of Railway 200, a nine-month international arts and community festival, called S&DR200, pays homage to historic and humble County Durham and to the pioneering railway line that operated there from 1825 to 1863. Held from March to November 2025, the festival includes a three-day re-enactment of the debut journey of Locomotion No. 1, which was built by celebrated railway engineers George and Robert Stephenson. Along with special exhibitions and other outdoor events, the festival also inaugurates a twenty-six-mile walking and cycling trail that runs along much of the historical railway’s route.  

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Questo articolo appartiene al numero march2025 della rivista Speak Up.

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